Select publications
Invited talks
Conference presentations
Most of my other research work only exists as 'grey literature'. See Research Projects for a list of some of the projects, with links to reports or summaries of the work.
Other dissemination activity
In addition to the conferences listed above, I have also presented to internal audiences at Keele and elsewhere as part of various seminar programmes. I have also presented my work to the Chief Constable of Staffordshire, and other criminal justice professionals, and appeared on local radio and national TV to talk about political extremism and terrorism.
Other writing
A long time ago I wrote the first version of the London Cycling Campaign's guide to Leisure Cycling.
I've also had a few letters published in the Guardian. I'd say about 50% of those I've sent in:
What £400,000? (10/12/02)
Taking the rap for gun culture (10/01/03)
Paying the price of debt? (17/10/03)
Warning for the smugs (03/07/04)
Stan's the man [David Beckham] (12/05/05)
Second homes and the housing crisis 08/08/05 10/08/05
Lecturers' Pay (14/03/06)
Now hear this (30/11/06)
A new world of rhymes (22/05/07)
Alcohol, pregnancy and the state (31/05/07)
Citizenship test and British values (05/08/09)
- Bailey G. (2017) 'Who are the radicals?' Metropolis 2 Autumn/Winter.
- Bailey G. & Edwards, P. (2017) 'Rethinking ‘Radicalisation’: Microradicalisations and Reciprocal Radicalisation as an Intertwined Process'. Journal for Deradicalization 15(3), pp. 255-281.
- Bailey, G. (2017) 'Researching Extremists'. Research Intelligence.
- Bailey, G. (2015) ‘Extremism, community and stigma: researching the far-right and radical Islam in their context’ in Bhopal, K. and Deuchar, R. (eds.) Researching Marginalised Groups London: Routledge.
- MacGregor, S. & Bailey, G. (2012) ‘British Citizen or Other? Reflections on the new UK citizenship process’. British Politics 7(4), pp. 365-388.
- Bailey, G. (2008) ‘The Killing of Jean Charles de Menezes: Risk, the "Innocent", and Looking Guilty’. In-Spire 3(1) 22-31.
- Ali, R., Buonfino., A., Goodwin, M.J. & Bailey, G. (2007) Exploring the Drivers of Far Right Support. London: Young Foundation.
- Crabbe, T. with Bailey, G., Blackshaw T. et al. (2006) Knowing the score: Positive Futures Case Study Research Final Report. London: Home Office.
- Crabbe, T. with Bailey, G., Blackshaw T. et al. (2006). ‘Going the distance’: Impact, journeys and distance travelled’, Third interim National Positive Futures Case Study Research Report. London: Home Office.
- Bailey, G. (2006) Re-engaging Young People. London: CDF.
- Bailey, G. and Jones, K. (2006). Our Kids, Our Community. London: CDF.
Invited talks
- Bailey G. (2017) 'Everything is and is not connected: social research, social policy and extremism'. Examining the far right in the Midlands. University of Wolverhampton.
- Bailey, G. (2014) ‘Ethical considerations’ ESRC Seminar series: Right Wing Extremism and Politics: Past and Present, University of Dusseldorf.
- Bailey G. (2014) ‘‘The people versus the powerful’: some thoughts on populisms’ Digital Populism and the Young, University of Leicester.
- Bailey, G. (2014) ‘How many, how scary? Media, mainstream hype, and ‘cumulative extremism’’. ESRC Seminar series: Right Wing Extremism and Politics: Past and Present, University of Manchester.
- Bailey, G. (2014). ‘Slippage and Explanation: the problems of shortcut terminology’. Examining the extremes: exploring the causes of and connections between violent “religious” extremism and extreme right wing movements, Dialogue Society.
- Bailey, G. (2012) ‘Hype/whitewash: dilemmas of researching and writing about political extremism and community cohesion in a culture of fear’. Social Cohesion Research Seminar, Huddersfield University.
Conference presentations
- Bailey, G. (2018) 'Everything is and is not connected: social research, social policy and extremism'. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 12-14 April, 2018, Northumbria University.
- Bailey, G. (2016) 'Beyond grievance and integration, ideology and grooming: a psychosocial reading of the biographies of British jihadis’. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 5-7 April, 2016, Birmingham University.
- Bailey, G. (2015) ‘Widening Extremism: Definitions in the Era of “Cumulative Extremism”’ 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Sciences Po, Paris.
- Bailey, G. (2014) 'Centres of Gravity: Attraction, Retention, Segmentation and Sedimentation of Members of Extremist Groups'. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 23 - 25 April, 2014, Leeds University.
- Bailey, G. (2012) 'Islamists v. Fascists ‘Cumulative extremism’ and the state as a third actor'. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 11 - 13 April, 2012, Leeds University.
- Bailey, G. (2010) ‘Second class citizens? Civic engagement, social contact and extremism’. European Sociological Association - RN31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism - Mid-term Conference, 2 - 3 September, Queen’s University Belfast.
- Bailey, G. (2010) ‘Enemies of the State? Mainstream and ‘extremist’ engagement across the divide’. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 7-9 April, 2010, Glasgow Caledonian University.
- MacGregor, S., Bailey, G., Dobson, A. (2009) 'The new British citizen: The political implications of citizenship tests and ceremonies in the UK'. Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Challenges for Democracy in a Global Era, 7 - 9 April 2009, University of Manchester.
- Bailey G. (2009) 'Citizenship for all: including the BNP in the neighbourhood polity'. Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Challenges for Democracy in a Global Era, 7 - 9 April 2009, University of Manchester.
- Bailey, G (2008) ‘Ordinary Islamists: The War on Terror and the shadow-state’. Terrorism and Migration Conference, 17 - 18 November 2007, University of Southampton.
- Bailey, G. (2007) ‘Second Class Citizens’: Multicultural citizenship in the ‘shadow state’. Association of Social and Legal Philosophy Annual Conference, 19-21 April 2007, Keele University.
Most of my other research work only exists as 'grey literature'. See Research Projects for a list of some of the projects, with links to reports or summaries of the work.
Other dissemination activity
In addition to the conferences listed above, I have also presented to internal audiences at Keele and elsewhere as part of various seminar programmes. I have also presented my work to the Chief Constable of Staffordshire, and other criminal justice professionals, and appeared on local radio and national TV to talk about political extremism and terrorism.
Other writing
A long time ago I wrote the first version of the London Cycling Campaign's guide to Leisure Cycling.
I've also had a few letters published in the Guardian. I'd say about 50% of those I've sent in:
What £400,000? (10/12/02)
Taking the rap for gun culture (10/01/03)
Paying the price of debt? (17/10/03)
Warning for the smugs (03/07/04)
Stan's the man [David Beckham] (12/05/05)
Second homes and the housing crisis 08/08/05 10/08/05
Lecturers' Pay (14/03/06)
Now hear this (30/11/06)
A new world of rhymes (22/05/07)
Alcohol, pregnancy and the state (31/05/07)
Citizenship test and British values (05/08/09)